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Contact Ratna

more about ratna

Fast facts

  • Born and raised in Sydney, Australia

  • Child of Indian immigrants

  • Bay Area-based

Fun facts

3 adjectives most commonly used to describe Ratna:

Curious, creative, and adventurous


Meal genre Ratna would eat for the rest of her life:

Noodle soups (pho, ramen, etc.)


Favorite childhood book:

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery


Favorite recent read: 

Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton


Favorite genres to read:

Thrillers/mysteries, coming-of-age, enemies-to-lovers, magical realism/fantasy. 


Favorite comfort TV show:

New Girl


If Ratna weren't coaching teens, she'd be...:

A children's book writer; a virtual reality designer; or a sports psychologist.​

Interests and hobbies

  • Swimming

  • Singing

  • Watching NFL games

  • Hiking with my rescue pup

  • Painting cute animals (acrylic)

  • Adapting East Asian recipes to be gluten free

  • Finding new music (R&B, country, dance/electronic, rap, and indie pop are my favorites)



  • BA in psychology and anthropology at Pomona College

  • Studied abroad at the University of Edinburgh

  • MA in English Teaching from ACU in Australia

Teaching experience​


  • Over 10 years in schools

  • English teacher @ Castilleja, Urban, and Bay, and numerous Australian middle and high schools

  • Middle school learning specialist @ KIPP SF Bay​


Experience with writing and editing

  • Former English teacher

  • Started an elementary school creative writing program in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Edited countless college application essays

  • Worked in editorial departments of Penguin, Random House, Macmillan, and Bloomsbury

  • Advisor to student literary journals and newspapers

  • Volunteer at Story Pirates, 100 Story Building, and other creative writing programs for kids

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